Presentations by Danish Khan:

  • Rails Israel Conference, Monday, November 12, 2012, 07:40

    Ruby is now almost two decades old. It has become a very mature language. The developers who have been using Ruby are a lot more experienced now. Our community has long since crossed the chasm and we are in the early majority stage. Even though we have many people who are well versed in the language we are again experiencing an influx of new developers.
    I want to help those new developers feel comfortable enough to believe they can learn and become just as involved as the older developers. Also, I want to make sure that the older developers understand how they can help these new developers that are coming into our community. There are things we can do to make sure our community grows with great people and projects that are useful for everyone. I want the Ruby community to show the Open source community how we should be treating each other so that amazing things can be done.

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