Yon Bergman is a developer and an amateur designer who loves building cool stuff. By day, he works as a tech-lead at the eBay Israel Innovation Center - a commando unit aiming to produce the next big (awesome) thing.
By night, he works relentlessly on his side projects and plays probably too many board games.

He is a frequent mentor at RailsGirls and a co-founder of the Israeli Global Day of Coderetreat. Additionally, he's one of the hosts on the first mobile development podcast in Hebrew (Mobile & Beer).

Presentations by Yonatan Bergman:

  • Rails Israel 2013 Conference, Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 13:40

    Learn and develop yourself and your team through side projects, week-end projects & random hacks. How to get the most of these kinds of projects and how the RoR community can help you create beautiful stuff. 

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