Richard Schneeman, or "Schneems" on the internet I loves contributing to Rails,developer usability and teaching Rails in University. Richard has written several popular libraries for Rails including Sextant, Wicked, and he is working on this awesome one for building iPhone backed Auth APIs. When he's not coding you can catch him playing Starcraft or Boardgames.
Presentations by Richard Schneeman:
Rails Israel Conference, Monday, November 12, 2012, 09:45
Heroku has deployed over a million web apps. When you've run that many applications, it's hard not to notice when frameworks and developers do things wrong, and when they do them right.
We've taken a look at the most common patterns and boiled down the best of our advice in to 12 simple factors that can help you build your next app to be stable, successful, and scaleable.
After this talk you'll walk away with in depth knowledge of web framework design patterns and practical examples of how to improve your application code.
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Arik Fraimovich
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Avi Tzurel
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Terence Lee
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Boris Nadion
FounderAstrails -
Aviv Ben-Yosef
Software EngineerBillGuard -
Jacob Burkhart
Cloud EngineerEngine Yard -
Jerry Cheung
RubyistGitHub -
Yonatan Bergman
Mobile Engineering ManagerPayPal -
Raphael Fogel
Organiser of #DevconTLV & #RailsIsraelCode4WD -
Eran Barak Levi
DevOps engineerKontera Technologies -
פלי הנמר
יזם ומנהיגPeople & Computers -
Gary Levitt
Founder Co-FounderMad Mimi